Architectural Drawings
Bambú Arquitectura
Sustainable designs with bamboo
Bambú Arquitectura designs sustainable constructions, using bamboo, the most sustainable material on our planet.
Bamboo, the most sustainable material on the planet
Bamboo and wood use energy from the sun and carbon dioxide to grow. During their growth, bamboo and wood consume large amounts of carbon dioxide and produce large amounts of oxygen. Excellent for the environmental balance. For the production of all other building materials, the process is reversed: large amounts of oxygen and a lot of energy (electricity, oil) are needed while large amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted. The construction materials industry (cement, bricks, concrete, steel, aluminum, plastic, asphalt, etc.) is causing much of the pollution and imbalance of our planet.
Bamboo or wood? The bamboo used for construction, Guadua angustifolia, grows in 5 years, much faster than wood (25 or more years). That is why it is preferable to use bamboo instead of wood.
To make a truly sustainable construction, with a balance of zero carbon dioxide emission, you need bamboo.

Construction method
Bamboo is not very popular in the construction sector. With the industrialization of the construction sector, the use and knowledge of bamboo disappeared. Today it is difficult to find experienced workers. There are almost no engineers specialized in bamboo. The industry seems more attractive.
To promote the use of bamboo in constructions, Bambú Arquitectura developed a new method for the construction of cabañas and bamboo houses. An engineering-based method applicable for common workers in the construction sector. The method can also be used in the self-construction sector, common in the Americas.
Using this new method, Bambú Arquitectura offers architectural drawings, technical drawings and cost estimates to build bamboo cabañas and bamboo houses.
Architectural Drawings
- Terrain plan
- Foundation plan
- Plan of each floor with distribution of spaces
- Elevations of the facades
- Cross-sections
- Perspective of the design
- Technical specification
- Rendering of the design
Architectural drawings: 1:50 scale, except terrain plan (1:200 or 1:500 scale) and design perspective (no scale). Plan files: pdf, A1 or A2 format.
Technical specification: description of each construction item with the technical specification and the use of materials and colors, format A4, pdf file.
Render of the design: made with Maxwell Studio, dimensions approx. 3,000×1,500 pixels, format: png.
Technical Drawings
- Plan and details of the foundation
- Plan and details of each floor
- Plans and details of the bamboo structure
- columns
- floor beams
- ceiling beams
- roof beams
- columns and beams of walls
- Cross-sections through each axis of the construction
- Perspective of the bamboo structure
- Plan and details of the stairs
- Bathroom and kitchen plans
- Plan and details of doors and windows
- Piping plan for water and sewage
- Electrical installation
- Technical specification
Technical drawings: 1:20 scale, A1 format, pdf file. Tecnical details: 1:10 or 1:5 scale, A4 format, pdf file.
Technical specification: description of each construction item with the technical specification and the use of materials and colors, format A4, pdf file.